Never Too Little to Teach – A Narrative of the Sorry State of a Naïve teenager with Literature Review

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Never Too Little to Teach – A Narrative of the Sorry State of a Naïve teenager with Literature Review

Yovwin, D. G1.,Afamefuna F. A2., Mabiaku T. O1.&Anyanwu, E. B1.,

1Department of Family Medicine,Delta State University Teaching Hospital, P.M.B. 07, Oghara, Nigeria.

2Department of Accident and Emergency, Delta State University Teaching Hospital,P.M.B.07, Oghara, Nigeria.



The teenage period is full of new developments which require attention and care especially of the female gender. New and sometimes embarrassing features emerge such as the sudden show of unprovoked bleeding per vagina and the issues of hygiene in such situations. The consequences of poor hygiene is far reaching both for the immediate as well as at later years of adolescence and adulthood. It should therefore be an issue of paramount importance to parents and guardians to initiate health education as these young ones begin to approach this critical period of their lives. These teenagers are very often naïve about their general health hygiene and are almost blank about how to care for themselves during their menstrual cycles. A scenario where an unprepared uneducated active and healthy young girl suddenly developed abdominal pain which may be excruciating and then vaginal spotting of bright red blood will not only be alarming but embarrassing. More alarming than is when this naive girl then seeks for counsel from her peer who often may know even less than her or at best have bits of varying information on what is happening and what can be done. Such situation is preventable if these vulnerable individuals are well informed before time on what to expect, and on how to manage themselves when it comes. Such information include but not limited to knowing that it is natural and should be expected, the kinds of sanitary pads/tampons to use and how it is used, appropriate disposal and their general hygiene during this period. We report a case of a naïve teenage girl who was managed for sepsis as a consequence of poor menstrual hygiene.

Keywords: Teenage,septicaemia pads, tampon, hygiene.