Enablers of Food Security and Improved Nutrition in SDGS among Low-Income Households in the South-South Region OF Nigeria

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Enablers of Food Security and Improved Nutrition in SDGS among Low-Income Households in the South-South Region OF Nigeria

Odega, E. E.1& Agadaga, B. B.2

Department of Agricultural Ext. and Rural Development, University of Ibadan

Department of Agricultural Economics, Ext. and Rural Development, Niger Delta University

Email: odegajunior@gmail.com&benagadaga@gmail.com


The purpose of this study was to assess the enablers for food security and improved nutrition in SDGs among low-income households in the South-South region of Nigeria. The specific objectives were to examine the respondents’ availability, accessibility, utilization and the stability of conditions to food security and nutrition. A multi-stage sampling technique in which Bayelsa and the Delta States were randomly selected, representing 33% of the region. Then one agricultural zone from each state was chosen randomly, making it two from a possible six. However, purposive sampling was employed to select 3 LGAs combined from the selected two agricultural zones. Lastly, three purposively rural communities were selected from the 3 LGAs, with 15 randomly selected household heads chosen from each community, totaling 135 respondents. A substantial number of the respondents are below 47 years; also, female household heads are 61.5%.49.9% of the respondents had a high level of availability to food and improved nutrition, 72.5% had low accessibility to food and nutritional needs, while 60.4% had low utilization level of the SDGs practices to achieving food security. Furthermore, the respondents had 71.1% low stability of condition to food security and improved nutrition; a significant relationship existsbetween the stability of condition and level of accessibility to food and improved nutrition of the respondents (r=0.539; r<0.05). Conclusively, agricultural sustainability is fundamental to food security and nutrition. The government should develop adaptation capability and policies that can boost agricultural sustainability to improve the chances for low-income familiesto be food secured.