Bluetooth Enabled Home Automation Control System using Android Application

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Bluetooth Enabled Home Automation Control System using Android Application

Philip-Kpae, F. O. 1 Akaneme, S.A.2 Oodee, B. G.3, Kpegara, S. N.4, Igboka, M.5

1, 4, 5. Department of Electrical/Electronic, KenuleSaro-Wiwa Polytechnic, Bori, Rivers State,

2Department of Electrical/Electronic Engineering, ChukwuemekaOdumegwuOjukwu University, Uli,

3New Technology Center (NTC), KenuleSaro-Wiwa Polytechnic, Bori, Rivers State,

E-mail:-philipkpae1@gmail.com1, silas.akaneme@gmail.com2oodeebarifaa@gmail.com3, sankpe@gmail.com4, buchigallant@gmail.com5