Sheyin E.A1, Kanai E. T1., &DaudaLa’ah
School of Agricultural Technology
NuhuBamalli Polytechnic Zaria
This paper analyze the factors affecting the profitability of catfish in Kaduna Metropolis. First, the study described the socio-economic characteristics of catfish farmers. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, multiple regression and gross margin. The result showresults showed males (63.3%) are actively involved in fish farming than the females (36.7%). The result further indicated that the majority (80%) of the respondents are learned and educated as most of them had attended tertiary education. The results of the multiple regression model show that five (5) out of the seven (7) independent variables were positively related to the dependent variable (viability and profitability of catfish farmers). And four (4) variables; variable inputs, the amount invested, source of credit, nearness to the market were statistically significant at 5%.In estimating the cost and returns of catfish farmers, the results show that catfish farming is profitable and therefore a viable enterprise. The majority of the farmers make on average a gross margin of ₦719,232. Also, 70% of the farmers made a profit; only 30% of the farmer did not make profit because of the high total fixed cost. Therefore, it is recommended that the government should provide infrastructural facilities, such as electricity, dams, good roads, and an enabling environment for fish farmers and commercials banks should lower their interest’s rates to fish farmers or would be fish farmers in order to boost fish farming.
Keywords. Factors, Profitability, Metropolis, Viability, Gross margin