Assessment of the Challenges of Informal Land Delivery System in Karu Urban Area (KUA), Nigeria

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Assessment of the Challenges of Informal Land Delivery System in Karu Urban Area (KUA), Nigeria

1Baba, Ezekiel Bahago, 2Dantudu Asma’u Shehu Usman, 3Anikajogun, Bibiana Ometere

1Departmentof Urban and Regional Planning, 1Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Kaduna State,

2Departmentof Urban and Regional Planning, 1Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Kaduna State,

3Departmentof Urban and Regional Planning, Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa, Nasarawa State



Cumbersome nature in cost and time of acquiring land for development in the developing world has necessitated the shift to other options to land acquisition. This scenario brought about Informal Land Delivery System (ILDS). Since land is the pedestal upon which the fabric of the city exists and operates, it is pivotal to an efficient and effective urban management. The research set out to assess the challenges of ILDS in Karu Urban Area (KUA). To achieve that, the study was able to examine the Existing Nature of Land Delivery System in Karu Urban Area (KUA) and the challenges it faces. At the end of the study, it was established that the public urban land only constitutes 14.80% of the total built up area of the urban area while the private sector constitutes the bulk of the 85.20% of the built up area (63,960 plots of land, using standard measurement of 1000m2). This signifies that the public or formal sector only control 14.80% of the total built up area of the KUA giving rise to informal sector which controls the bulk of development in terms of land acquisition and accessibility in the urban area. The study also revealed that approximately 6,396 Ha (63,960 plots of land, using standard measurement of 1000m2) were delivered through the ILDS among which landholding families supplied 74% of the plots of land. In assessing the challenges of this sector, the study revealed that the resident’s personal income is the predominant challenges of fund raising for the purpose of Land acquisition in KUA with 56.3% against Loan from financial institutions, cooperatives, friends and associates which stood at 18.8%. Time taking to access a plot of land, payment of commission to land agents, dispute over plot of land and cost of land at the period of sales and purchase are other challenges with 38.9% accessed their plots of land after three years from the period of payment against 22.1%, 13.9% and 8.2% who access their plot of land in less than three months, four months to one year and one to three years respectively and 53.4% paid commission for their land acquired for development against 25.5% who did not pay while 22.6% of the total land acquired had dispute on their plot of lands acquired with 16.8% are dispute on plot boundaries while disputes on double allocation, inheritance and validity of ownership constitutes 2.4%, 1.4% and 1.0% respectively. As a result of this established facts of this study, the following recommendations were given, there should be integration of KUA to the FCC so as allow FCDA to regulate development in the area, Nasarawa State Urban Development Board should have full control in distribution and allocation in the urban area and the government should make land distribution and acquisition for development less cumbersome for every citizen of the area.

KEYWORDS: Karu Urban Area, Informal Land Delivery System, Challenges