Media Broadcast of Voice of Plantain Farmers in Obubra Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria

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Media Broadcast of Voice of Plantain Farmers in Obubra Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria

1Adinya I.B., 1Adie U.B. and 2Obio, E.A.
1Department of Agricultural Economics and Ext., Cross River University of Technology, Obubra Campus
2Department of Agronomy, Cross River University of Technology, Obubra Campus


This study examined media broadcast of voice of plantain farmers in Obubra Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. Data were collected from ninety six respondents in the study area using random sampling technique. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study found that majority of the respondents (90.63%) disclosed that they received information on agricultural program
on Radio. While 9.37% of them revealed that they did not. The study also found that 70.83% of the respondents disclosed that they adopted improved plantain suckers. While 20.83%, 1.04% and 7.29% of them
disclosed that they adopted recommended plantain distance, fertilizer and herbicide application respectively.
The study revealed that several constraints militated against the use of mass media to promote the transfer of innovations to plantain farmers. Based on the findings of the study it was recommended that government
should provide improved plantain suckers at subsidized rate to farmers at the right time. Credit facilities should be given to plantain farmers and farmers who do not have collateral should form cooperative to
enable them obtain loans from banks at low interest rate. Government should construct roads to interior areas where plantains were produced in large quantities in the study area to enable farmers carry their
products to market where they can sell at a better price.
Keywords: Multi-media, plantain, innovation, communication, adoption