Farm Workshops and the Need for Safety Awareness Programmes in Agricultural Science Teacher Education in Nigerian Schools

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Farm Workshops and the Need for Safety Awareness Programmes in Agricultural Science Teacher Education in Nigerian Schools

Valentines O. Ibe
Department of Agricultural and Home Science Education
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State


Farm workshops in agricultural science teacher education are the training grounds for youths and adults intending to settle in any agricultural occupation. But, of importance and perhaps fundamental in all
agricultural activities is the concept of safety. This paper therefore focused on farm workshops and the need for safety awareness programmes in agricultural science teacher education. Specifically, it has discussed the
concept of farm workshops and safety, agricultural science teacher education programme, the need for safety awareness programme, areas of agricultural enterprises for safety awareness programme, characteristics of a good safety programme, suggested curriculum components of agriculture enterprise safety awareness programmes as well as implications of safety awareness programmes on safe, successful and sustainable agriculture enterprise occupations.
Keywords: Farm workshops, Safety Awareness Programmes, Teacher Education, Sustainable Agriculture Enterprise