The Effect of Seasonal Variation on the Concentrations of Gaseous and Particulate Matter at Marksino Quarry and its Environs in Akamkpa L.G.A of Cross River State

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The Effect of Seasonal Variation on the Concentrations of Gaseous and Particulate Matter at Marksino Quarry and its Environs in Akamkpa L.G.A of Cross River State

                          Asira, Enim Enim & Adalikwu, Stephen Adie

                               School of Sciences

      Cross River State College of Education, Akamkpa



The study was carried out determine the effect of seasonal variation on the concentratios of gaseous and particulate matter at Marksino quarry and it environs in Awi community in Akamkpa local government area of Cross River State. Ambient air samples were collected from the drilling/blasting and crushing areas the quarry and its environs (Cross River State college of Education gate and Mbarakom junction). All active sampler were used for all parameters except ground level ozone that idiometric method was used. Sampling involved used of pumps to pull air through the filter. Average time for sampling for samples   was twenty four hours per week and sixty hours per week for idiometric method. Statistically tools used for analysis were mean, standard deviation, analysis of variance, and correlation coefficient. Results obtained revealed that CO (5.50 ±0.90ppm) SPM (0.950±0.04ppm) recorded significantly (p≤0.05) higher concentrations than other pollutants at both dry and rainy seasons. However, significantly(p≤0.05) higher concentrations of CO2(2.51±0.80ppm), CO(5.50±0.90ppm), NO2(0.150±0.02ppm) ,PM1.0(0.295±0.03ppm), PM2.5(0.170±0.01ppm), PM10(0.650±0.00ppm), and SPM(0.950±0.04ppm) were recorded during dry season than  rainy season, CO2(1.50±0.05ppm), CO(3.50±0.30ppm), NO2(0.08±0.00ppm), PM1.0() ,PM2.5(0.1305±0.05ppm),and SPM(0.580±0.04ppm). The concentrations of all the pollutants were found to be significantly(p≤0.05) higher than WHO recommended permissible limits except ozone(O3) and sulphur dioxide(SO2), hence the areas in the study are highly polluted by gaseous and particulate matter.