Water Treatment Using Moringa Oleifers Seeds

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Water Treatment Using Moringa Oleifers Seeds

Muhammad, H. Garba, A. Isa, Aisha S.

Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Ramat Polytechnic, Maiduguri, P.M.B 1070, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria

Email: bajoga1muh@gmail.com


Moringa Oleifera seed is applied as coagulant in place of aluminum sulphate (Alum) used in conventional treatments plants. In this work, water is treated using moringa Oleifera seeds. The parameters were tested before and after the water were treated for seven days with the moringa seeds. The water samples (sample A, B, C, and D) were collected from four deferent locations in Gwange Word, Maiduguri. The results for the water samples before treatment showed that the sample from all the four locations (200ml each) are turbid and have a pH of 8 with the exception of location D which has a pH of 9. The samples showed a varying total bacteria count (103cfu), A (297), B (272), C (92) and D (71). All the  moringa treated water samples are not turbid and showed a pH of seven (7) and a varying total bacteria count (103cfu) of 3 for sample A, sample B(1), sample C and D showed Zero(0).  The present study was carried out to confirm the effectiveness of seed powder extracted from mature dried Moringa Oleifera seeds which are commonly available in most communities.

Keywords: pathogens, alum, drumstick, horseradish