Ebola Outbreak in West Africa and CSOs Response

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Ebola Outbreak in West Africa and CSOs Response

Umar Ibrahim & Umar Farouk Ismail2

1Governance for Global Health Department, United Nations University-International Institute for Global Health, UKM Medical Centre, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA

2State Coordinator/NPO Routine Immunization, World Health Organization, WHO Taraba State Office-Jalingo, Taraba State-Nigeria

E-mail: umarsap@yahoo.com


This article highlight the roles civil society organizations (CSOs) played in response to the recent past Ebola disease epidemic in West Africa; despite the pros and cons associated with the outbreak. The article presents practical episodes of global health governance processes employing Ebola as case study. In Liberia, CSOs disseminate information, and other necessities to local communities; in Sierra Leone, CSOs conducted advocacy and sensitization activities; while in Guinea, CSOs conducted more than 20,000 information sessions. Funds diversion and human movement restrictions temporarily hampered CSOs operation during the outbreak. More disturbing was contracting of the disease by Health professionals while on duty; to protect healthcare givers at service delivery points against nasocomial infections, evidence base study that envisage workplace safety should be conducted.

Keywords: Outbreak, CSOs, response, Ebola, sensitization, healthcare