The Impact of Sand Mining on Agricultural Activities in Gubi Community, Ganjuwa Local Government Area, Bauchi State, Nigeria

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The Impact of Sand Mining on Agricultural Activities in Gubi Community, Ganjuwa Local Government Area, Bauchi State, Nigeria

Auwal Garba & Abdullahi Mohammed Jalam

Department of Environmental Management Technology

Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi


Soil is a cheap natural resource made up of gravel, sand, clay, loam which constitutes different types. Pit sand, river sand and gravel are components of soil which take years to be formed but extracted in a matter of days. This study investigated the impacts of sand mining on agricultural activities in Gubi Community using data sourced from the farmers and other residents in the study area through a well-designed structured questionnaire, the data was analysed using descriptive statistics to bring out impacts and the findings of the study outline the negative environmental impacts of sand and mining which include the following: Land degradation, erosion, Deep pits with/without water, Land alterations, Loss of vegetation, Destroys grazing land and vegetation. Artificial rivulets are formed as sand is extracted uncontrollably. Excessive sand mining leads to depletion of resources on both riverbeds and open lands. There is need for stringent laws in the country which when enforced will go a long way in reducing the negative impact of sand mining on agricultural activities in the study area.