Evaluation of Antinutrients, Minerals and Mineral Bioavailability of Water Yam Based Ojojo Supplemented with Bambara Groundnut

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Evaluation of Antinutrients, Minerals and Mineral Bioavailability of Water Yam Based Ojojo Supplemented with Bambara Groundnut

Okache, T.A., Agomuo, J.K. & Taiwo, M.

Department of Food Sciences

Federal University Dutsinma, Katsina State


In this study, ojojo a water yam based food was prepared, with supplementation of bamabra groundnut in the ratios of (100:0), (90:10), (80:20) and (70:30). These products were analyzed for minerals content, phytochemicals/antinutrient composition and mineral bioavailability. Results showed that, the Mineral content increased significantly (P≤ 0.05) with increase in the proportion of bambara groundnut in the product. Iron increased from 25.06 to 35.93mg/100g, magnesium from 41.15 to 43.10mg/100g, zinc from 6.80 to 7.45mg/100g, potassium from 1000 to 1100mg/100g and phosphorus from 19.50 to 58.59mg/100g. On the other hand there were significantly (P≤ 0.05) decrease in calcium from 52.12 to 48.35mg/100g and sodium from 450 to 200mg/100g. Mineral molar ratios of Na/K, Na/Mg, Ca/P and Ca/Mg decreased significantly (P≤ 0.05) while Ca/K remained constant with increase in levels of bambara groundnut supplementation. Phytochemical/antinutrient compositions of ojojo samples decreased significantly (P≤ 0.05) with increase in the level of bambara groundnut supplementation from 0-30%. Phytate decreased from 15 to 9mg/100g, saponin from 7.54 to 6.45mg/100g, flavonoid from 9.79 to 9.66mg/100g and alkaloid from 3.07 to 2.07mg/100g. On the other hand tannins increased from 3.50 to 10.00mg/100g. The phytate: mineral molar ratios for calcium, zinc, iron, and calcium/zinc decreased significantly (P≤ 0.05) with increase in the level of bambara groundnut supplementation. The study therefore suggests that supplementation of water yam based ojojo with bambara groundnut improves the mineral content, reduce antinutrient composition and improves the bioavailability of minerals.

Key words: Antinutrients, Bambara groundnut, bioavailability, minerals, ojojo, supplementation, water yam.