Analysis of Distribution of Schools’ and their Facilities in Gwagwalada and its Environs, F.C.T. Abuja, Nigeria

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Analysis of Distribution of Schools’ and their Facilities in Gwagwalada and its Environs, F.C.T. Abuja, Nigeria

*Magaji J.Y. &**Zinyahs M. Z.
*Dept. of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Abuja, Nigeria.
**Dept. of Mathematics, FCT College of Education Zuba, FCT, Abuja, Nigeria.


This paper is aims to find out the nature and distribution of Schools in Gwagwalada and its environs, with the view to verify the extent of SDGs No. 4 achievement. The schools were identified and their location coordinates were recorded and digitised into Gwagwalada Map. Findings shows that there are nineteen 19 Public and 59 Private schools in the study area, that is 76 schools in the study area. There is the problem of inadequate classrooms in the public schools, while the private schools have even excess. That the students–teacher ratio is very high in the public schools, while low and accommodative in the private schools. That Public school were regularly distributed within the town only while the Private schools were nucleated within the town. There are inadequate facilities in both private and public schools e.g. the rest rooms, computer laboratories, school clinics among others. All the Public schools did not meet the UNESCO standard of 1996, of classroom capacity of one teacher to twenty-five pupils in a classroom (1:25).It then concluded that, there is need for urgent attention in the education sector if the SDGs No.4 is to be achieved.

Keywords: Government, Private, schools, distribution, facilities, Efficiency, Equity, and Accessibility,