An Appraisal of Urban Water Supply System in Nigeria

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An Appraisal of Urban Water Supply System in Nigeria

Hadi Aliyu1 & Ibrahim M. Dankani2, Ph.D

1Department of Geography, Federal University, Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State

2Department of Geography, Usumanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto



The effects of inadequate water supply are more visible and prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa even though is a global crisis. Nigeria is face with a lot of inadequacies in terms of water provision in its urban centers due to one reason or the other; it is faced with the problem of overcrowding resulting from massive urban influx. Hence, the low income earners of the city feel the severity of the shortage most. This paper discusses urban water supply system and a range of issues that cause water crisis in the Nigerian  urban centers; which urbanization and rapid population growth led to the unplanned expansion of  the periphery and congesting the core centers of our urban areas, thus, making provision of portable water a great challenge. An analysis was made on the causes of urban water crisis and possible recommendations were made on how to curtail the menace of water shortage in the urban centers.

Key words: Urban, Water Supply System, Nigeria