Working Night Shift and Organisational Productivity: Evidence from selected Organisations in Lagos, Nigeria

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Working Night Shift and Organisational Productivity: Evidence from selected Organisations in Lagos, Nigeria

1Obisi Chris, (Ph.D) & 2Abdul Aderotimi Olalekan Gbadamosi

1Department of Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria

2Department of Business Administration, University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba, Lagos Nigeria



In fast moving industries, companies indulge in different forms of work arrangements to meet the market demands. A major practice in these organisations is to engage workers who have the potentials to work in the night. Clearly, it is the substantive major innovation that will assist both the employees and organisations to increase earnings and productivity simultaneously. In this study, perceptions of employees working in organisations that operate shift work were examined to determine the workability and usefulness to both the employees and organisations. A questionnaire survey was designed and administered to a sample size of five hundred and twenty (520) drawn from a population figure of one thousand and three hundred (1300) that constitute the entire workforce of the organisations. Ranking of data was made with the aid of Likert five scale point of strongly disagreed (1) to strongly agreed (5). Data analysis and testing of hypotheses were made possible with Pearson Correlation and chi-square test statistics. Inferences were made and it was found that working night shift has the potential to enhancing their earning capacity of the employees while increasing the productivity of the organisations. This study therefore, recommends that organisations that are confronted with production emergency, overbooking, night services and fluctuating orders during seasons should engage the services of night shift workers.