The Impact of Educational Facilities on the Academic Performance of Secondary School Students: Case Study of Borno State

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The Impact of Educational Facilities on the Academic Performance of Secondary School Students: Case Study of Borno State

Markus Kwaji

Department of Vocational and Technical Education

Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria



Theoretical and empirical studies have considered the significance of school facilities on student’s performance. This study is on The Impact of Educational Facilities on the Academic Performance of Secondary School Student in Lassa, Askira-Uba Local Government of Borno State. It covers five secondary schools. Two hundred (200) respondents took part in the study (one hundred and fifty (150) students, and fifty (50) teachers). The research designed for the study was descriptive survey method, whereby mean and standard deviation statistical analysis was used for research question 1, 2, 3,4, and 5. Findings revealed that presence of sufficient classrooms, libraries, hostel accommodation contribute positively to the student academic performance as well as their absence contributes negatively to some of the schools. Absence of electricity, computers, chairs, and desk had negative impact on the student performance. Sufficient text books and teaching materials facilitate learning. The environments are not noisy as they are not close by market or refineries. School buildings are well-equipped with educational facilities do enhance teaching and learning with the help of qualified personnel’s. Conclusion was that facilities are potent to high academic achievement of students. Recommended were that state government should develop more useful and reliable policies for provision and distribution of educational facilities and resources in lassaaskira-uba local government. School administrators should organize fund raising events to draw attention to the areas where facilities are seriously needed.

Keywords: Educational facilities, Academic performance, Borno State