Influence of Drug Use, Religiosity and Broken Homes on Anti-Social Behaviour among Youths in Makurdi Metropolis, Benue State

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Influence of Drug Use, Religiosity and Broken Homes on Anti-Social Behaviour among Youths in Makurdi Metropolis, Benue State

Edward Kuruku & Terwase Verse Lawrence

Department of Psychology

Benue State University, Makurdi


Corresponding Author: Edward Kuruku


The study examined the influence of drug use, religiosity and broken homes on anti-social behaviour among the youths in Makurdi metropolis. A total of one hundred and fifty (150) youths, comprising 89(62%) males and 61(37%) females, aged between 15 and 35 years and a mean age of 26 years from different locations within Makurdi metropolis participated in the study. The objective of the study among other is to find out if drug users engage in anti-social behaviour more than non-drug users. To find out whether youths low in religiosity engage in antisocial behaviour more than those high in religiosity and to also find out whether youths from broken homes engage in antisocial behavior more than those from non-broken homes. The study adopted a cross-sectional design survey, with three main factors; drug use (drug users vs non-drug users) religiosity (high religiosity vs how religiosity) and broken home (broken vs non-broken homes). The instrument for data collection was standardized questionnaire; the study was guided by four hypotheses. Data from respondents were analysed using independent t-test and independent t-test. The analysis was done using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS). The result of findings shows a significant difference between drug users and non-drug users. Result shows a significant difference between youths who are high in religiosity and lowly religious. It also shows a significant difference between youths from broken homes and non-broken homes. Further results show no significant difference between male and female youths involvement in anti-social behaviours. The study finally recommends among others, the implementation of a more comprehensive public enlightenment on drug use, creating of more drug rehabilitation centres, also further researches should attempt investigating to identify the specific ages at which the participants might have experienced broken homes.

Keywords: Drug use, Abuse, Religiosity, Broken homes, Antisocial Behaviour, Youths-Makurdi.