Impact of Planning and Analysis of Water Resources System: A Benchmark consideration for Nigerian Water Implementation Sector

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Impact of Planning and Analysis of Water Resources System: A Benchmark consideration for Nigerian Water Implementation Sector

Gana A. J.; 2Toba A. P. & 3Okigbo S. N.

Department of Civil Engineering

College of Science and Engineering, Landmark University Omu-Aran, Kwara State

2&3 Department of Civil Engineering, Federal Polytechnic Bida, PMB 55, Bida, Niger State


Corresponding Author: Gana A. J.


Water Resources Planning is the orderly consideration of various aspects of water Resources data from the original statement of purpose to the final decision in a course of action. It considers various alternatives and evaluates them before taking the final decision. The planning aspect usually forms the basis for any proposed water Resources projects. It is the most important aspect of water Resources Engineering as a discipline for decades. It is the core background for this study with emphasis on the purpose, classification of water Resources projects, decision making; systems analysts, and characteristics required for water Resources projects planning.

Keywords: Planning, Analysis, Water Resources Systems, Benchmark, Nigerian water Implementation sector