Fiscal and Physical Planning: Challenges and Way Forward in Vocational and Technical Education in Nigeria

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Fiscal and Physical Planning: Challenges and Way Forward in Vocational and Technical Education in Nigeria

1Ahmodu, O. L.; 2Sheu, A. A. & 2Adeyemi, A. B.

1Department of Management Sciences

College of Social and Management Sciences, Wesley University, Ondo State

2Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Education, University of Ilorin, Ilorin


Corresponding Author: Ahmodu, O. L.


Vocational and technical education is a facet of education which leads to the acquisition of practical and applied skills as well as basic scientific knowledge. This practical and applied skills knowledge could only be achieved through a good fiscal and physical planning and lead to the achievement of VTE objectives as stated in the National Policy on Education. This paper examines various dimensions of fiscal and physical planning and takes a cursory look on the important of fiscal planning to VTE, the sources of funding for VTE, contributions of fiscal and physical planning to the development of VTE, the challenges faced by VTE and way forward in improving VTE in Nigeria. The research method used for this study was phenomenological method of qualitative research. The study revealed that VTE programmes require adequate funding and new innovative measure should be put in place to improve the programme. Based on this study, it was recommended that government should encourage continuity of the programme by amassed the percentage of fund allocated to VTE.

Keywords: Fiscal Planning, Physical Planning, Vocational and Technical Education