Awareness of Breast Cancer Screening among Female Nurses in Government Hospitals in Maiduguri Metropolis

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Awareness of Breast Cancer Screening among Female Nurses in Government Hospitals in Maiduguri Metropolis

1Chiaghanam N.O., 2Hassan J. M. & 2Babale I.

1Department of Radiography and Radiological Science, University of Calabar, Calabar

2Department of Medical Radiography and Radiological Science, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri


Corresponding Author: Chiaghanam N.O


Awareness of breast cancer screening among female nurses in government hospitals in Maiduguri metropolis, to evaluate the knowledge of breast cancer and breast cancer risk factors, to assess the knowledge of breast cancer screening methods and early detection measures and determine the factors that influences the practice of breast screening. Materials and methods: two hundred and eighteen questionnaires was administered and retrieved. Data analysis was done using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 16. Descriptive statistics (frequencies and percentages were generated). Respondents were within the age range of 18 and 67. 18-27 had the highest frequency 77 (38.9%).Majority of them 158 (78.9%) obtained a diploma certificate. two third of the nurses (75.2%) had a good knowledge regarding the overall warning signs of breast cancer and (51.3%) had good knowledge of breast cancer risk factors. Nearly all of the respondents (90.4%) knew how to perform breast self-examination However, only 113(71.5%) practice it on a monthly basis. Knowledge and practice of clinical breast examination was very poor among the female nurses. Only 2.0% of the participants knew the exact time to start CBE. There was a very poor knowledge regarding mammography as only 13.8% of the participants knew the recommended age to start. Only 6.8% of them had mammography. Majority of the participants were not practicing breast cancer screening because they have no sign/symptoms of breast cancer. Knowledge of breast cancer was satisfactory however; the knowledge of the screening methods and practice was very poor especially the knowledge and practice of clinical breast examination and mammography.

Keywords: Awareness, breast cancer, screening methods and practice.