Phytochemical and Elemental Analysis of Trichosanthes cucumerina (Snake Gourd)

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Phytochemical and Elemental Analysis of Trichosanthes cucumerina (Snake Gourd)

1Umudi E. Q., 2Awetefe K. J. & 3Emefiele, T.

1, 2Department of Chemistry, College of Education, Agbor, P.M B. 2090, Agbor, Delta State

3Edo State College of Agriculture, Iguoriahi, Edo State


Corresponding Author: Umudi E. Q.


Psychochemical and elemental analysis of Trichosanthes cucumerina seed was extracted by soxhlet using n-hexane, it shows the presence of alkaloid, glucosides, tannis and glycoside. It was characterized by atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer and revealed the presence of magnesium 280.00mg/100g, Potassium 240.00 mg/100g, calcium 15.20 mg/100g, copper 8.2 mg/100g, iron 4.2 mg/100g and zinc 0.05 mg/100g, the Infra-Red Spectroscopic Analysis revealed strong bonds at 1643 and 3012 cm-1 strongly which are C = C and C – H stretching of olefins. This indicates that the seeds are useful medicinally and are good antioxidant.

Keywords: Analysis, Element, Infra-Red, Phytochemicals, Trichosanthes cucumerina