Attitudinal and Financial Commitments of Community Stakeholders towards Project Development in selected Communities in Ibadan, Nigeria

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Attitudinal and Financial Commitments of Community Stakeholders towards Project Development in selected Communities in Ibadan, Nigeria

Category : Uncategorized

Obembe Jide Joseph

Department of Project Management Technology

The Federal University of Technology, Akure



This study examines the stakeholders’ attitudes, financial commitments and execution of   community projects from 2013 to 2016 in three selected areas in Ibadan Metropolis, the capital of Oyo State, Nigeria. The three communities are: Alabidun, Akingbade, and Alafia Oluwa which were purposively selected. Primary data on payment of annual dues, expenditure of the collected funds on projects, and attendance at meetings were collected through the use of secondary data which were documents kept by the communities. These include data collected from meeting attendance registers, duplicate of donors’ dues, payment receipts and minutes of the meetings of the three communities.

Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Imposition of penalties on annual development levy defaulters was found to have enhanced collection of dues in Alabidun (95%) and Ogungbade (75.1%) while Alafia Oluwa which did not use penalties realized only 62.3% of the amount expected for the period considered for this study. A significant and moderately positive relationship was found between attendance at community meetings and the payment of community project development dues. So also, a significant relationship was found between payment of levies imposed on community stakeholders and execution of projects.

Keywords: Assessment; Attitudinal; Financial commitment; Project Development; Communities