Concentrations and Daily Variations of Sulphur Compounds in the Waste Dumpsite at Osisioma Ngwa Local Government Area, Abia State

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Concentrations and Daily Variations of Sulphur Compounds in the Waste Dumpsite at Osisioma Ngwa Local Government Area, Abia State

Nwakanma, C. & Ikwa, U. E.

Department of Environmental Management and Toxicology

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria


Corresponding Author: Nwakanma, C.


A study on the concentrations and daily variations of SO2 and H2S in the waste dumpsite at Osisioma Ngwa Local Government Area, Abia State, was carried out using some hard hold air quality monitors. Results of SO2 and H2S obtained for morning and evening hours reading during the dry season to be for Umuigwe dumpsite SO2(0.04:0.07), H2S (0.70:0.30); Umujima dumpsite SO2(1.37: 1.52), H2S (0.80:0.30); Niger Stone dumpsite SO2(1.62:0.04), H2S (3.40:0.30); Uratta Amaisa dumpsite SO2(0.09:0.04), H2S (0.60:0.30); Eyimba market dumpsite SO2(0.13:1.34), H2S (0.10:0.91); Asaeme dumpsite SO2(0.06:0.08), H2S (0.34:0.90);  and Owerrinta control location SO2(0.02:0.01), H2S (0.03:0.03). When comparing results with permissible maximum standard values obtained indicated air quality to be within good to moderate ambient air quality descriptions. However, the concentrations were higher with WHO recommended standard for SO2 and H2S emission. This indicates that the study area can be described to have poor air quality and which can be dangerous to human health.

Keywords: Air pollution monitoring, sulphur compounds, thermal power plants, waste, toxicity, habitat, Nigeria.