Research in Vocational and Technical Education for National Growth and Development: Prospects, Problems and Remedial Strategies

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Research in Vocational and Technical Education for National Growth and Development: Prospects, Problems and Remedial Strategies

Uguru, Chike & Abdulmutilib, G.D
Department of Vocational and Technical Education
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria


This paper discussed the low level of research in developing countries and its negative impact on her level of growth and development. It highlighted the great potentials of research in education, particularly
vocational and technical education, in attaining national growth and development; its problems and strategies for pragmatic researches to drive national growth and development. Research endeavours in developing
countries is limited by inadequate financing, inadequate or poor infrastructures, poor and obsolete facilities, difficulty in accessing top-rated journals, lack of mentorship, poor remuneration of researchers among other factors. The paper upholds the view of many authors that urgent steps need to be taken to address the above limitations of research by government and other stakeholders, and that there should be a paradigm shift of attention to young researchers/scientists who holds the key to future research in the continent. Properly planned, executed and implemented researches will lead to better service delivery, cost benefit production of
goods and services, bouyant economy, safer environment and improved living standard of citizens through use of new knowlegde and application of technology. The paper suggested that scientists/researchers be
encouraged through proper mentorship, financial support/grants, provision of relevant equipment and materials for research, good policies to boost research, integration of scientific writing and publishing
principles in the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes as strategies for encouraging more research efforts in developing countries.
Key words: National Growth and Development, Educational Research, Vocational and Technical Education.