Personality Type and Age as Factors on Depression among Undergraduate Students

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Personality Type and Age as Factors on Depression among Undergraduate Students

Mgbenkemdi E. H. & Ekwo J. C.

Department of Psychology

Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu


Corresponding Author: Mgbenkemdi E. H.


This study investigated personality type and age as factors on depression among undergraduate students using simple random technique. 120 undergraduate students from Enugu State University of science and Technology were drawn to participate in the study; comprising 65 female students and 55 male students, with ages between 20-35 years with mean and standard deviation. Eysenck and Eysenck (1972) Personality questionnaire (EPQ) 90-items measuring the academic performance among undergraduate students and Zung (1965) with 20-item inventory, self-rating depression scale (SDS) designed to assess the cognitive, affective, psychomotor, somatic and social interpersonal dimensions of depression were administered individually to the participants. A survey design was applied while two-way (ANOVA) as statistical analysis revealed no significant influence of personality type on depression, F (1, 116 = 1.77, P < .05) and also no significance influence of age on depression, (1, 116 = 22.58, P > .05).  It was suggested that other variables capable of influencing depression for the students should be studied. The results were discussed in relation to relevant literature reviewed.

Keywords: Personality type, depression, age and undergraduate students