Leaders’ Role in Recruitment Procedures and Effectiveness of Office Workers in Educational Institutions in Rivers State

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Leaders’ Role in Recruitment Procedures and Effectiveness of Office Workers in Educational Institutions in Rivers State

Igweka Ugochi V.
Department of Educational Mgt (Leadership Option)
Ignatius Ajuru University of Education
Email: ugochiigweka67@gmail.com/emy1242000@yahoo.com


The study delved into Leaders’ Role in Recruitment Procedures effectiveness of Office Workers in Educational Institutions in Rivers State. The study covered Ignatius Ajuru University of Education and
Captain Elechi Amadi Polyechnic, Rumuola, Port Harcourt. The instrument used in carrying out the study was questionnaire. A total of 100 questionnaires were distributed 100 staff of the two educational institutions
in Rivers State but only 80 were duly returned. The Study based its analysis on the returned 80 questionnaires. Three research questions and three hypotheses were raised upon which 15 variables were generated in the
research questionnaire to obtain responses from the respondents. The statistical of Chi-square was used to analyse the hypothesis, using the SPSS Version 23. The research questions were also tested using SPSS Version 23 using Mean and Standard Deviation. The testing of Ho2 and 3 showed significant, thereby annulling the raised null hypotheses, while it did not in Ho1. Based on the findings, recommendations were reached encouraging to allow for suitable recruitment procedures to be adopted in recruiting staff in order to achieve the set goals of the institutions.
Key words: Recruitment, Procedures, Educational institutions, Leaders, Effectiveness