The Roles of Scavengers in Waste Management in Abuja Municipal Area Council, Abuja, Nigeria

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The Roles of Scavengers in Waste Management in Abuja Municipal Area Council, Abuja, Nigeria

Ogah, A T; Adana, M.Y; Magaji. J. I & Kadafa A. A

Department of Geography,

Nasarawa State University, PMB 1022, Keffi, Nigeria


Corresponding Author: Ogah, A T


The study the roles of scavengers in waste management in Abuja Municipal area council was aimed at assessing the importance of scavengers in managing waste in the area. Descriptive research design was adopted for the methodology in which data were generated from questionnaires, interview, and observation methods. 120 copies of the questionnaires were administered to the respondents. The sample size was taken from the four clusters of dumpsite in Karmo, Kuchingoro, Lugbe Federal Housing and Gosa according to the population encountered at each location at various points. All those encountered at the dumpsites at Karmo, Kuchingoro and Federal Housing was sampled except Gosa where 25 each were randomly sampled from scavenging and sorting groups. Finally the results revealed that tabulated value (T.V.) from Chi-Square table is 9.488, while the calculated value (C.V.) is 73.33. Which implies that since the C.V. (73.33) > T.V. (9.488), we accept that scavengers perform useful roles in waste management in Abuja Municipal Area Council. Therefore, the work concludes that unless the scavengers are given the necessary encouragement by the government, AEPB, and the society, effective waste management in AMAC will still remain a mirage. It is recommended that the Abuja Environmental Protection Board should hasten up the process of registering the various scavengers groups and regulate their activities so as to make scavenging a good source of youth empowerment.

Keywords: Scavengers, role, waste management, dumpsites