Estimation of some selected Heavy Metals in the Soil of Maiganga Coal Mine and Environs, Gombe-Nigeria

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Estimation of some selected Heavy Metals in the Soil of Maiganga Coal Mine and Environs, Gombe-Nigeria

1Adamu, Sani Jauro; 2Babayo, Abdulkarim Umar; 3Firuza, Begham Mustafa & 4Muhammad, Rahima Hamid

1Department of Geography, Gombe State University, PMB 127 Tudun-Wada Gombe, Gombe State

2Department of Chemical Science, Federal University, Kashere, Gombe State Nigeria

3Department Of Geography, University Of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia

4Department of Chemical Science, Federal University Kashere Gombe, Gombe State, Nigeria


Corresponding Author: Adamu, Sani Jauro


A study to Estimate the concentration of some heavy metals: Ni, Cd, Cu, Pb and Cr in the soils around Maiganga coal mine and it environ was conducted, using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. A total of 42 composite soil samples each was taken after every 120meters at the study area, about 42 soil samples were collected which comprises of ; 9 soil samples from coal mine area; 9 soil samples from farmland area,  while about 24 soil samples were also collected from residential area respectively in July/August 2016.The result of this investigation reveals that Ni has a mean concentration of 12.65 2.08ppm, 11.44 0.74ppm and 9.45 6.12ppm from coal mine: farm land; residential area respectively, with the lowest value of 10.48ppm at Maiganga overburden, 10.48ppm at Maiganga farmland and 4.45ppm at Bakin Tasha, with highest values of 15.46ppm at Maiganga mining pit, 12.29ppm at Wuro Sarki Farmland and 20.05ppm at Kufayi. Therefore, the result reveals the concentration of Ni in coalmine area and residential area above the permissible limit of 15mg/Kg as reported by WHO 2007, while the concentration at the farmland area are within the permissible limit, the high concentration of Ni in the residential and coal mine area may be attributed to the combustion of fossil fuels from the cars that are transporting the coal which corroborate the findings of Boadu, 2014. In Cd the mean concentration ranges from 0.20  0.12ppm, 0.15  0.009ppm and 0.12,  0.01ppm from farm land, residential area and coal mine areas respectively, with a lowest value of 0.09ppm recorded at Lakwalag farmland, 0.14ppm at Kayel baga, 0.10ppm at Maiganga Overburden, with a highest value of  0.36ppm at Maiganga farmland, 0.17ppm at Gindin Gamji and 0.13ppm at Maiganga Inter burden. According to WHO 2007 the maximum acceptable limit for Cd is 0.35mg/Kg, therefore from the above result it reveals that only concentration of one sample from Maiganga farmland is above the maximum acceptable limit, while samples from the coalmine and residential areas are all within the permissible limit, and these may be as a result of the addition of fertilizers for organic amendments to the farmland area as discovered by Boadu, 2014. Cu has a mean concentration ranging from 0.20, 0.02ppm, 0.19 0.02ppm, 0.14 0.02ppm from farmland, coalmine and residential areas respectively, with the lowest value of 0.18ppm at Wuro Sarki Farmland, 0.17ppm at Maiganga mining pit and 0.12ppm at Jauro Lakonjol, with a highest value of 0.23ppm at Maiganga farmland, 0.21ppm at Maiganga overburden and 0.18ppm at Lakwalag A, as such this reveals that the concentration of Cu from all the sampling areas are below the permissible limit of 30mg/kg as reported by WHO 2007.Cr mean concentration ranges from 0.72 0.10ppm, 0.65 0.03ppm and 0.62 0.13ppm from the farmland, coalmine and residential areas respectively, with the lowest value of 0.59ppm at Wuro Sarki farmland,  0.61ppm at Maiganga mining pit and 0.46ppm at Jauro lakonjol and kufayi, while the  recorded highest values of 0.80ppm was at Maiganga farmland, 0.68ppm at maiganga overburden and 0.80ppm at kayel baga (J.H)respectively. Therefore, this reveals that the concentration of Cr in all the sampling area are below the acceptable limit of 100mg/kg set by NESREA, 2011.From the foregoing analysis Pb is the only element that was not detected in all the samples collected from all the experimental plots at the study area. The research recommend the continues monitoring of heavy metals concentration in the soils of Maiganga coal mine and environs by regular assessment of heavy metals concentration in their soils, as well as analysis of  some selected vegetative covers to observed any vegetation changes that might be as a result of heavy metals pollution.

Keywords: Estimation of Some Selected Heavy Metals, Gombe-Nigeria, In the Soil of, Maiganga Coal Mine and Environs