Refuse Dumping in Drainages: Attitude, Perceptions, Environmental and Health Implications on People Living in Gashua, Yobe State, Nigeria

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Refuse Dumping in Drainages: Attitude, Perceptions, Environmental and Health Implications on People Living in Gashua, Yobe State, Nigeria

1Musa, M.A., 1 Idi-ogede,  A. M., 1Yakubu, S.O  1Nda, A. A., & 2Onimisi, H. U.

1Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, Federal University, Gashua

2National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria



Study was conducted on refuse dumping in drainages: Attitude, Perceptions, Environmental and Health implications on people living in Gashua, Bade Local Government Area, Yobe State, Nigeria. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 200respondents from various wards of Bade Local Government Area. The field survey was carried out between June and August, 2015 with questionnaires containing variables used to elicit responses of peoples’ perception on the implication of refuse dumping in drainages on human health and the environment. Their attitudes to refuse dumping were also assessed. The survey revealed that 70% of the respondents strongly agreed that dumping of refuse in drainage scan because disease infections among people, while 60% strongly agreed that dumping of refuse in drainage affects the environment. The poor attitude of people to refuse dumping was mostly attributed to inability to pay for waste disposals, followed by laziness and reluctance of regulators to sanction against violators.

Keywords: Refuse, dumping, drainage, health and Gashua