Microfloral evaluation of processed Sundried and Smokedried Catfish obtained from Custom market, Maiduguri, Borno State

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Microfloral evaluation of processed Sundried and Smokedried Catfish obtained from Custom market, Maiduguri, Borno State

 A.M. Idi-Ogede, Musa, M. A.,Yakubu, S.O., Ogah, I.O.S. and Nda, A. A.

Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture

Federal University, Gashua, P.M.B.1005, Gashua, Yobe State

E-mail: a.midiog@yahoo.com


Processed sundried and smokedried catfish were obtained from custom market, Maiduguri, Borno State. A total of 100 fresh Clarias species were purchased. 50 fish samples were sundried while the remaining 50 samples were smoke dried. Two weeks later, fifty each of the sundried and smoke dried products were re-sundried and re-smokedried respectively. Both samples were checked for microfloral infestation after 30 days of storage at room temperature. The mould and bacterial counts of smoked fish were found to be higher than that of the sundried fish samples. A recommendation was made for a good storage facility to ensure long shelf lives for dried fish products.

Keywords: Catfish, microfloral, evaluation, smoked and sundried.