Factorial Design on the Corrosion Inhibition Effects of Castor Seed Oil on Mild Steel

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Factorial Design on the Corrosion Inhibition Effects of Castor Seed Oil on Mild Steel

Offurum, J. C.; Iheme C.; Mbadike C. A.; Chukwu M. M. & Chinagorom E. N.

Department of Chemical Engineering

Imo State Polytechnic, Umuagwo-Ohaji

E-mail: jullyengine@yahoo.com

Corresponding Author: Offurum, J. C.


23-Factorial Design on the corrosion inhibition effects of castor seed oil on mildsteel was performed in this study. Factorial experiments were conducted using the standard matrix developed by Frank Yates (the Yates Analysis), which incorporated eight (8) experimental runs. The experiments were also replicated, and the average values were obtained in each case. The Chochrain’s distribution, G for the study was found to be 0.4968, which is less than the GTable at 0.05 level of significance (0.6798), indicating that the homogeneity of variance for the process is acceptable. Also, the F-distribution (as computed) was found to be 7083.1130, which is greater than the Ftable (4.46), indicating that the model is adequate, and as such acceptable. However, the model equation was found to be linear, indicating that the factors considered are in linear relationship with the response variable (the weight loss).

Keywords: Factorial Design, Corrosion Inhibition, Castor Seed Oil, Mild Steel.