Comparative Study of the Behavior of a Field Model versus a Theoretical Model in Sugar Manufacture from Sugar Cane

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Comparative Study of the Behavior of a Field Model versus a Theoretical Model in Sugar Manufacture from Sugar Cane

*A. B. Istifanus1, A. M. Ezekiel2 I.D. Kwino1

1Department of Agricultural and Bio-Resources Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

2Department of Soil Science and Land Resources Management, Federal University, Wukari, Nigeria


*Corresponding Author: A. B. Istifanus


A theoretical (simulation) model was developed with the objectives to predict sugar yield from sugar cane, as well as to compare the results with field production model. The model developed was used to predict the sugar, bagasse, filter cake and molasses yield from sugar cane. The predicted values from the model were compared to yield data obtained from the production of sugar cane from the Savannah Sugar Company, Numan, Nigeria for 90 days. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) at p ≤ 0.01 was used to determine if there were significant difference in the yield predicted by the model and the measured factory yield. The least significant difference (F-LSD) at p ≤ 0.01 was used to separate the means. The model is validated where there was no significant difference between its predicted yield and the factory-obtained yield. The sugar cane input of 2,150.52 MT was obtained from the Savannah Sugar factory. The corresponding imbibitions water pumped into the mixed juice was 673.12 MT. The predicted sugar, bagasse, molasses and filter cake yield using the theoretical model was 279.5MT (13%), 1,049.46MT (48%), 111.828MT (5.2%) and 101.1MT (4.7%) respectively. The ANOVA showed that there was no significant difference between the theoretical and the factory-based model. It is concluded that the theoretical model was capable of predicting sugar yield from a giving quantity of raw cane. Consequently, this model is recommended for use in predicting sugar and by-products yields from sugar cane. Keywords: behavior, model, prediction, sugar, byproducts, yields, sugarcane