Students Populations in Anambra State University, Uli Campus

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Students Populations in Anambra State University, Uli Campus

Okafor I. J, Nwakanma A. A, Etoniru I. S, Nweke E. O& Elemuo C. O

Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences Chukwuemeka Odomegwu Ojukwu University Uli

Anambra State, Nigeria



Palmaris longus is a muscle that assists in flexion of the wrist. There is a growing interest in the existence of the muscle because its tendon is reported to be most frequently harvested for reconstructive plastic and hand surgery which led to the study of its unilateral and bilateral absence amongst student of Anambra State University Uli. A descriptive study was conducted in 300 healthy subjects (145 males and 155 females) who were examined clinically by Schaeffer’s test. In subjects with agenesis of palmaris longus tendon, four other was carried out on them and when still absent, exercise was introduced. Overall incidence of the agenesis of palmaris longus was observed in 11 (3.7%) which were all unilaterally agenetic, consisting of 1.3% of males and 2.3% females. Agenesis in the fat subjects (obsessed subjects) was 12.1% while that of the slim subjects was 1.7%. In this study, there was a statistic significant (P> 0.05) relationship with agenesis of palmaris longus with gender among population in Anambra state university, Uli campus. This research proves that the eastern geographic zone of Nigeria has a low incidence of agenesis of palmaris longus.

Keyword: Palmaris Longus, Agenesis, Students.