Nigerian Capital Market and Manufacturing Sub Sector (1970-2014)

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Nigerian Capital Market and Manufacturing Sub Sector (1970-2014)

Category : Uncategorized

Igono Marythecla Nnesochi

Department of Business Education, School of Vocational Education

Umar Suleiman College of Education, P.M.B. 02, Gashua, Yobe State




This research work examines the Nigerian capital market and manufacturing sub sector from 1970 to 2014. The main objective of the research work was to examine the impact of capital market on the economic growth and development of Nigerian and to investigate the impact of the manufacturing sector on the economic growth and development of Nigeria.  The data use was a secondary collected from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical Bulletins. The data was analyzed using regression. The finding shows that capital market and manufacturing sector has a significant effect on the economic growth of Nigeria. The researcher recommends that government should develop the manufacturing sector and reduce the tax rate that is imposed on them so as to help improve the economic system of the country.  Also, to boost the value of transactions in the Nigerian capital market, there is need for availability of more investment instruments such as derivatives, convertibles, future, and swaps options in the market.