Effect of Business Environmental Factors on the Survival and Growth of Manufacturing Organizations in South East, Nigeria

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Effect of Business Environmental Factors on the Survival and Growth of Manufacturing Organizations in South East, Nigeria

Agbo Melletus Uchechukwu

Department of Business Administration

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria

The research work focused on effects the business environmental factors on the survival and growth of business organizations in the manufacturing sector with reference to South East of Nigeria. The study identified some environmental factors that were peculiar to the business organizations in the manufacturing sector vis-a-vis their significant impact rough the administered questionnaires to employees of selected business organizations and inhabitants of  Enugu Metropolis Electricity, government policies and fraudulent practices were found as factors critical with severe impact on the survival and growth of business organizations in the manufacturing sector among other factors which was adduced as the underlying rationale behind exodus of manufacturing organizations to the neighboring countries. The use of Z value of 1.96 at 0.05 level of significance further confirmed the impact of each of the environmental factors on the survival and growth of business organizations and concluded that these factors signified impending danger that may impede the survival of these business organizations and make growth an impossible task if left on, thus recommended among others that the present arrangement (policy) of centralizing electricity which has made the federal government to enjoy monopoly should be jettisoned in order to make way for devolution and alternative to power generation aside the use of generator which has made operation cost to keep increasing.

Keywords: Environmental factors, Growth, Survival, Manufacturing sector, profits.