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S/N Title Author(s) Pages
1 Effective Policy Framework for Entrepreneurship Development in Nigeria Omame Onyebuchy Bernard; Ugwu Sylvester Onuoha; Emezuo & Ojekwe Nnamdi 1-17
2 Effect of Business Environmental Factors on the Survival and Growth of Manufacturing Organizations in South East, Nigeria Agbo  Melletus Uchechukwu     18-40
3 Nigerian Capital Market and Manufacturing Sub Sector (1970-2014) Igono  Marythecla  Nnesochi                                                    41-58
4 Impact of New Product Development on Business Growth in the Nigerian Banking Industry   1Alo, Ebenezer Adebisi. (Ph.D),  2Aun, Isaac Iortimbir (Ph.D) & 1Ayinde, Moses Oladunni. (Ph.D) 59-74
5 An Economic Analysis of Dutch Disease in Nigeria Gbatsoron Anjande & Aor Raymond 75-90
6 The Impact of Corruption on Economic Growth and Cultural Values in Nigeria: A Need for Value Re-orientation Simeon T. Asom & Victor Ushahemba Ijirshar 91-113