Architectural Features for Cultural Sustainability in the Redevelopment of Gombe Urban Market, Nigeria

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Architectural Features for Cultural Sustainability in the Redevelopment of Gombe Urban Market, Nigeria

Haruna Yakubu Shinga, Joshua Joy Maina and Musa Lawal Sagada

Department of Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Designs

 Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna state, Nigeria




Marketplaces are attributed to constituents such as the people, spaces, and unique products. It is a cultural place where the glimpse of local lifestyle evolves daily and also grounds where buyers interact with sellers and bargaining services. This is in contrast to the shopping centres and supermarkets where the prices of goods and services are fixed. This paper examines the architectural features of an urban marketplace (spatial layouts) through its spaces and cultural heritage of Gombe urban market. This was done through purposive selection of three cases; Gombe, Yola (Jimeta) and Bauchi Central Markets all in the North-East geo-political zone of Nigeria. A survey of the structured interview was conducted in the study area from well-informed vendors, stakeholders, and checklists across the three cases. The findings reveal the partial reflection of contemporary urban market features that can sustain a culture in the design of the selected markets. A significant finding is that more than half of Gombe urban marketplace was not formally built and hence, no emphasis on spatial plans. Therefore, the design and planning can be said to have been deserted, and the study concludes that the spaces for cultural participation and the selling of traditional products should be integrated into the redevelopment of Gombe urban market such that the market remains unique and sustains its culture.

Keywords: Cultural Sustainability, Features of Architecture, Gombe Urban Market