Enhancing University Science Students Employability Skills through the Use Cooperative Learning Instructional Strategy

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Enhancing University Science Students Employability Skills through the Use Cooperative Learning Instructional Strategy

Abubakar Ayuba Sunday

Department of Science Education

Sule Lamido University, P.M.B 043 Kafin Hausa, Jigawa State

Email: sundayabu@gmail.com


In this fast growing and competitive economy, demand is so heavy on our institution of learning to turnout graduates with not only a good class of degree or high CGPA – but those with generic skills that can be applicable across different discipline. With population outburst coupled with the high unemployment rate, it is eminent that all stakeholders must collaborate in preparing our teaming youth for the workforce that characterizes the 21st century. Here cooperative learning instructional strategy was presented as a promising instructional strategy. The definition, features and benefits of cooperative learning was highlighted. The concept of employability was briefly presented. It was argued that cooperative learning environment can enhance the development of employability skills in our university students. Few recommendations were made.

Keywords: Employability, Cooperative learning, Sule Lamido