Nigeria in Search of Peace and Security: Analysis and Action

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Nigeria in Search of Peace and Security: Analysis and Action

Abdur-Rahman Olalekan Olayiwola
Department of Political Science,
Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos.


In contemporary Nigeria, the signs of a security dilemma and lack of a peaceful co-existence are there for all to see. Poverty, unemployment, abuse of power by a coterie of political, elites, unconcealed
corruption, nepotism, favouritism, the ostentatious display of wealth and resource struggles, to mention just a few contributory factors responsible for lack of peace, security of insecurity and insecurity of security, are boiling over into ethnic and religious violence in various parts of the six geopolitical zones of the country. Can Nigeria survive another century as a corporate entity? This paper examines the issues of peace and security in Nigeria and recommends some policy options for the country’s citizens either to live together or sink together.
Keywords: Nigeria, Peace, Security, System Survival, Corporate Entity, Peaceful Co-existence or Lack of it