Effect of Main Stem Cutting Height and Branch Purning on Seed Yeild and Quality of Corchorus Olitorius ev. ‘Oniyaya’

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Effect of Main Stem Cutting Height and Branch Purning on Seed Yeild and Quality of Corchorus Olitorius ev. ‘Oniyaya’

Ndatsu Isyaku Alaba
Federal University of Technology
P.M.B 65 Minna, Nigeria
E-mail: isyakualaba4u@gmail.com

The effect of main stem cutting height and branch and pruning back on seed yield and quality of Corchorus olitorius (Cv. “Oniyaya”) was studied at the Teaching and Research Farm of the Federal University of Technology Minna, during 2009 cropping season, seed of “Oniyaya”, variety of Corchorus olitorius were steeped in hot water (at about 97oc) for five seconds to break dormancy. The seeds were then sown in plastic
pots filled with top soil. Seedlings were in the nursery for four weeks before they were transported to the field. There were seven treatment viz: (i) uncut (control), (ii) 30cm stopping without pruning of primary branches, (iii) 30cm stopping plus cutting back of primary branches, (iv) 30cm stopping plus pinching of primary branches (v) 50cm stopping without pruning of primary branches, (vi) 50cm stopping plus cutting back of primary branches, and (vii) 50cm stopping plus pinching of primary branches. The treatments were arranged in the field. Using the Randomize Complete Block Design (RCBD) replicated thrice. Stem cutting significantly hastened flowering and reduced number of fruits from the main stem. Unpruned (control) plants produced significantly more primary branches and more fruits on the main than the cut plants. Generally, significantly higher number of fruits and greater seed yield were recorded in the unpruned plants. Next in performance were plants which main stem were cut at 50cm in combination with cutting back of primary branches.