Assessment of Surface Water Quality in Rivers and Ponds for Sustainable Irrigation Practice in Nigeria

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Assessment of Surface Water Quality in Rivers and Ponds for Sustainable Irrigation Practice in Nigeria

Samaila Kunden Ishaya1, Marcus Nengak Danjuma1 & Kwarfwang Kevin Jack2 1Department of Geography Nasarawa State University, Keffi
2Department of Geography Plateau State University, Bokkos

Nigeria is blessed with abundant surface water in rivers, streams, rivulets and ponds. However one of the greatest problems faced in the country is assessment of water quality from the numerous receiving surfaces
for irrigation. This has resulted in the use of water likely to be injurious to the soils and plants, causing serious implications on the productive capacity of soils and the developmental processes of many crops. It is in this
respect that this study undertook a review on assessment of water quality for irrigation and its application to Nigeria. The study used content analysis and reviewed relevant works on water quality for irrigation. The
study examined major issues that affect the safety in the use of water for irrigation. These included issues associated to application of water high in salinity that may result in the built-up of salts in the soils, which
cause difficulty in plants uptake of water a condition that causes plants to become stunted even when water is sufficient. High sodium ion in the irrigation water may raise exchangeable sodium percent in the soil and
may impede the free flow of water and aeration in the soil thus interfering with normal developmental processes of many plants. Low or high pH in water affects the solubility of the soils and plants performance during irrigation. Other specific ion toxicity also have significant effect on water quality at levels that cause ailment to human health, for example the presence of trace elements in irrigation water can bio-amplify in due
course within the food chain thus affecting the consumers of crops from such water. To use water wisely the study recommends that there is the need for intensive assessment of water quality for most surface sources
and that research institutes be set in each state to monitor the quality of water to ensure standards recommended for a variety of uses are met.
Keywords: Salinity, Sodicity, Toxicity, Assessment and Irrigation